Institute Title


Important Information

Here, you’ll find important information about the IC Institute.

Open each of the following drop-down menus to read more about each topic!

  • Each day, we’ll use the same Zoom link. You can click on the button at the top of the page, or the one below.

    ***Be sure you SIGN IN TO ZOOM BEFORE JOINING! Since we will be working in Table Groups (intentional small groupings) throughout the day utilizing Zoom’s breakout room feature, having you sign into Zoom ahead of time makes this process more seamless technologically.

    If the link to the right doesn’t work, here are the meeting ID and passcode:

    • Meeting ID: INSERT HERE

    • Passcode: INSERT HERE

  • As a reminder, the Institute is a total of 30 hours of Professional Development on the IC Pedagogy and made up of 24 hours of synchronous meetings and 6 hours of asynchronous activities. In order to receive a Certificate of Completion and be considered trained in the IC Pedagogy, participants must complete 22.5 hours or 75% of the Institute.

    We will do the following to track and measure participant Attendance and Participation during the Institute:

    • Take attendance in the mornings and afternoons during the synchronous meetings

    • Check for participation in the asynchronous activities

  • Virtual Meetings (Zoom):

    All of the Institute will be held virtually on Zoom.

    We will be meeting from 9am-5pm. There are morning, lunch, and afternoon breaks built-in to the natural flow of instruction. Times for breaks may vary day to day.


    • DATE: Pre-Course Activity (Technology Scavenger Hunt)

      • Due Monday, January 30th (before Day 1)

    • DATE: Day 1 Virtual Meeting

      • Meet on Zoom

      • Asynchronous Activity #1 Assigned

    • DATE: Day 2 Virtual Meeting

      • Meet on Zoom

      • Asynchronous Activity #2 Assigned

    • DATE: Day 3 Face-to-face Meeting

      • Meet at LOCATION (Room)

      • Asynchronous Activity #3 Assigned

    • DATE: Day 4 Face-to-face Meeting

      • Meet at LOCATION (Room)

      • Asynchronous Activity #4 Assigned

  • If you haven’t received your physical materials yet, don’t fret! Frank Granados Orozco is on it and you should received your materials before the end of this week. We’ll provide you digital copies of any materials required by the Institute in the meantime.

  • We will be working in Table Groups during the Institute. These will look like breakout rooms during our virtual days on Zoom.

    You will be intentionally grouped with other educators with similar grade level(s) and subject area(s). We will update the Table Groups section of this page (see red menu bar) with the “seating chart” for groups by the morning of Day 1, so check back here then!

Course Content

Here, you’ll find everything you need for the IC Virtual Foundational Institute. Digital materials and instructions will be posted here as the Institute progresses. Please be sure to read through each post below and complete any necessary course activities or assignments.

Technology Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to the Course Page!

We’d like for you to familiarize yourself with the different sections of this page since we will be using it to communicate course materials, resources, and Asynchronous Activities.

NOTE: This website is best when used on a computer (not a mobile device). Please access it and our Synchronous Meetings on a computer.

Use the red menu bar to navigate to the different sections of the page.

Modules will be made available as the Institute progresses. Don’t be alarmed if sections are blank!

You’ll find the following:

  • The Home button takes you back to the top of the page (as does the arrow button in the bottom right corner!)

  • Under Course Content, you’ll find the following:

    • Tech Scavenger Hunt: *You are here!

    • Day 1: Important Day 1 information, along with Asynchronous Tasks

    • Day 2: Important Day 2 information, along with Asynchronous Tasks

    • Day 3: Important Day 3 information, along with Asynchronous Tasks

    • Day 4: Important Day 4 information, along with Asynchronous Tasks

  • You can find your Table Group (small group) by clicking the Table Group button.

  • You can access your Table Group’s JPA Workbook by clicking the JPA Workbooks button.

  • A summary of the Asynchronous Activities will be provided in the Asynchronous Activities section as we assign them.

  • Under Additional Resources, you’ll find some technology guides on Zoom and Padlet.

  • We will spend lots more time on Day 1 explaining all of this! Just get familiar with where things are.

  • Here’s a quick summary of what should have completed during the Technology Scavenger Hunt:

    1. Upload a Zoom profile Picture

    2. Post your photo on our Padlet

    3. Participate in the Mentimeter poll

    4. Complete the Google Drawing activity

    5. Access the Course Page (you are here!)

  • After spending a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the different sections and subsections of this page, save the page password and read through the “Important Information” and “Day 1” sections carefully.

    *We recommend you save the password by writing it on a sticky note and keeping it by your computer!

Day 1

Before Attending

  • Please complete before attending! (see section above for details)

    1. Upload a Zoom profile Picture

    2. Post your photo on our Padlet (LINK)

      • We will use this for an activity during Day 1 so please do this!!

    3. Participate in the Mentimeter poll (CODE)

    4. Complete the Google Drawing activity (LINK)

    5. Access the Course Page (you are here!)

  • In order to best serve you, we are asking that you complete the following IC survey prior to attending the institute. Your responses will help to inform our training practices to ensure they are relevant and useful to all teachers. This survey link is different from the Technology Scavenger Hunt.

  • Here are the meeting ID and passcode:

    • Meeting ID: INSERT

    • Passcode: INSERT



  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

Day 2

Before Attending

  • Here are the meeting ID and passcode:

    • Meeting ID: INSERT

    • Passcode: INSERT



  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

Day 3

Before Attending


For Days 3 & 4 (DATES), we will be meeting in the ROOM of LOCATION. The address is below. You can also click use this link to access the Google Maps directions.


*INCLUDE ANY PARKING DIRECTIONS HERE! and image of map to the right!



  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

Day 4

Before Attending


For Days 3 & 4 (DATES), we will be meeting in the ROOM of LOCATION. The address is below. You can also click use this link to access the Google Maps directions.


*INCLUDE ANY PARKING DIRECTIONS HERE! and image of map to the right!



  • TBA

  • TBA

  • TBA

Table Groups

In this section, you’ll find your Table Group number.

JPA Workbooks

In this section, you’ll find all the required materials and activities to work collaboratively with your team. Please, look for the icon that identifies your table group number.

Asynchronous Activities

In this section, you’ll find a summary of all the Asynchronous Activities and links to access them. You can also find these in the Course Content Sections on this page.


As a reminder, the Asynchronous Activities make up 6 hours of your Institute Participation! Be sure to complete each of them for full credit.


Asynchronous Activities Checklist

  • Pre-Course Asynchronous Activity (Technology Scavenger Hunt) – 1 hour

  • Day 1 Asynchronous Activities – 1 hour

    • Details TBA

  • Day 2 Asynchronous Activities – 2 hours

    • Details TBA

  • Day 3 Asynchronous Activities – 1 hour

    • Details TBA

  • Day 4 Asynchronous Activities – 1 hour

    • Details TBA

Additional Resources

Here, you’ll find some technology immersion guidelines we’ve created to help you navigate the technology.