MERIT Professional Learning

Workshops, Institutes, and Follow-Up Support offered to professional educators by the Center for Multilingual-learner Education, Research, and Innovative Teaching (MERIT).

Our PL


The Center for Multilingual-learner Education, Research, and Innovative Teaching (MERIT) focuses on the tripartite mission of the university including research, outreach, and professional learning opportunities for educators and other stakeholders who support the growing number of Multilingual Learners (MLs) across our state and the nation.

MERIT offers a variety of professional learning opportunities for educators throughout the academic school year and summer. Our professional learning facilitators work with district partners across Georgia, across the country, and internationally to meet our shared goals of supporting the teaching and learning of multilingual learners.

Much of our work is grounded in the Instructional Conversation (IC) Pedagogy – a research-based model for collaborative, conversation-based, culturally responsive, small-group instruction - which is ideal for teachers concerned with how to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners. The IC Pedagogy focuses on developing students’ cognitive and language skills by increasing the rate and intensity of their interactions with peers and teachers. The MERIT Team’s model for implementing the IC Pedagogy, the Arch System for Collaborative, Conversation-Based Instruction, provides students with the tools and structures necessary to actively and productively collaborate and engage with the content.

We also offer a variety of additional professional learning opportunities focused on the practical application of current research regarding cognitive, linguistic, and cultural supports that positively impact the language and concept development of multilingual learners in the classroom.

Please refer to the Register tab for a list of our current offerings and links to more information and registration information.

IC Foundational Institutes



Are you an educator interested in learning an innovative teaching model that has been found to positively impact the achievement of all children, especially culturally and linguistically diverse learners?

Join the Center for Multilingual-learner Education, Research, and Innovative Teaching (MERIT) for 30 hours of professional learning on the Instructional Conversation Pedagogy and its application. Teachers who use this pedagogy say they are able to cover more material in greater depth. Research has shown that MLs in classrooms using the IC Pedagogy show statistically significant academic gains on state assessments. Learn how integrating language and content goals into facilitated, conversation-based lessons can support all of your students, particularly culturally and linguistically diverse students.

The 30-hour (4-day) intensive institute is directed at in-service teachers, academic coaches, and administrators. Attending the institute provides educators with two main benefits:

  1. The opportunity for engaged learning and applied practice in a proven culturally-responsive pedagogy

  2. Inclusion in an extended professional learning community of IC educators (and school administrators), across Georgia, the U.S., and internationally, to support you as you implement the pedagogy.

This main goals of the institute is to give teachers access to:

  • Linguistic theories of second language acquisition

  • Strategies for integrating language goals into content teaching

  • Tools for encouraging collaborative conversations

  • Ways to make content and language standards real and relevant for all learners while maintaining rigor

  • MERIT's Online IC Platform

Anyone who is directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning of culturally and linguistically diverse students is welcome and we highly encourage those personnel overseeing teachers implementing this model to attend!


$850 per participant

District Follow-Up Support (Post-Institute)



Because research shows that the success of professional learning initiatives often hinges on sustained support, MERIT provides a wide range of follow-up professional learning services for those educators who have participated in one of our IC Foundational Institutes.

We often collaborate with districts to customize a plan for sustainability that may include:

  • Learning labs

  • Online webinars

  • In-school staff development

  • Day-long workshops

  • Year-long leadership team development

Requests for follow-up professional learning services may exceed our capacity, but we regularly form relationships with new schools and districts and are eager to talk with you about that possibility!

For more information about receiving follow-up professional learning services from the MERIT Team in your school or district, please email Jodi Weber.

One-Day Workshops



MERIT also offers intensive one-day workshops. These include but are not limited to:

Accelerating Newcomer Academic Language Development

This interactive, 8-hour professional learning day offers educators the opportunity to explore and practice research-based principles and techniques for collaborative, conversation-based instruction to:

  • better meet the needs of Newcomers

  • integrate Newcomers productively into content classrooms

  • actively develop Newcomers’ academic language skills

Integrating Language Goals into Content Instruction One-Day Workshop

This practical, hands-on session introduces educators to the language “functions” embedded in disciplinary content standards. The interactive session moves beyond vocabulary lists and offers educators the opportunity to identify what Key Language Uses (e.g. Inform, Narrate, Explain, Argue) are embedded in the content standards and what associated Language Functions and Features the standards ask students to master to demonstrate their conceptual understanding of content.


Regularly scheduled one-day workshops are $250 per participant. For districts that wish to schedule their own workshop, prices vary depending on location and are subject to a minimum number of participants.


Please refer to the Register tab for a list of our current offerings and links to more information and registration information.

Interested in Additional One-Day Topics? Let us know!

If you are interested in one of these professional learning opportunities but do not see a date or location that is convenient for you, or if your district is interested in exploring other professional learning topics, please email Jodi Weber. We’d love to learn with you!

Video Resources


Our Arch System for collaborative Conversation-Based Instruction outlines a way of teaching: the "how" of conceptualizing teaching and learning that positively impacts student cognitive and language development and opens the space for formative assessment and differentiation. The power of the Arch system is that it provides a structure for teachers to use so they might more intentionally integrate focused language goals within rigorous content instruction, rather than creating "one more thing" that teachers have to find the time for.



Participants in our professional development workshops gain access to a library of resources to support instructional conversation pedagogy. Here are some sample downloads to familiarize yourself with the types of tools available to educators who have completed the IC Foundational Institute.

You may also download a set of Exemplar Task Cards.

Conversation Starters

Use these phrases to begin a discussion with your students, and to encourage discussion among students.

Goal Cards

Use these cards to challenge participants in a group discussion to remember their personal challenges and goals.

A Diagram of the Arch

Download a PDF of the Arch of Collaborative Conversation-Based Instruction.


What an amazing experience I had at the [IC] Institute in Athens! It was, without a doubt, the most impactful PL I have ever attended. As someone who facilitates professional learning on a regular basis, I was simply amazed by the way you created such a cohesive learning community in such a short amount of time. Just wow!
— Beth McMichael, instructional coach, Barrow County Schools
I just had the privilege of attending the Integrating Collaborative, Conversation-based Instruction into your Classroom Summer [Institute]. It was by far the best professional and personal development instruction I have participated in. To put that in perspective, I’ve participated in many professional development opportunities as a teacher for 10 years, from conferences to our school’s weekly professional learning. It’s like your team has thought, “What doesn’t work for people who are learning new content, skills, and processes?” and then you removed those things from your training
— Andrea Antepenko, teacher, Franklin County School District
In my experience with [the IC team], this summer and throughout the year, I have never been more supported in any moment of my professional career, graduate school included ... From the week this summer, to the webinars, learning labs, observations and videos with feedback, and renewals. You guys don’t just introduce us to your powerful pedagogy and send us out into the world to use it or not. You are there for us every step of the way, celebrating our successes and cheering us on through the challenges. Thank you for that!
— Shelly Salom, ESOL Teacher, Jackson County School System
Thank you, thank you, thank you—for making me a better teacher...and a better student! I love what you are doing! You are helping to change the world.
— Rita Cevasco, speech-language pathologist, Mason, Ohio

Our Partners


Partner Map

We have grown this professional learning initiative and have had more than 2500 educators in 55 districts across Georgia complete the IC Foundational Institute since 2014.


Thanks to our Educational Partners
